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Free Consultations for First Time Acupuncture Patients - Book an Appointment Today!

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a key part of a comprehensive medical system that has been refined over the last 3,000 years in East Asia. It works on the principle that energy, known as Qi, flows through specific pathways in the body. When this flow is disrupted, it can lead to illness.

By inserting thin needles at precise points, acupuncture helps restore this flow of energy, alleviating pain and supporting the body’s natural healing processes. From a Western perspective, acupuncture increases circulation, reduces inflammation, and releases natural painkillers like endorphins. It also boosts immune function and supports key brain chemicals, including neurotransmitters and neurohormones.


Is Acupuncture Safe?
Yes, acupuncture is extremely safe. The FDA regulates acupuncture needles, which are single-use, pre-sterilized, and disposable.

Our nationally licensed acupuncturists have completed over 3,000 hours of training, including extensive study in anatomy and technique. You can feel confident that you're receiving care from experienced, knowledgeable practitioners.


Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Our goal is to make your acupuncture experience as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

Most people feel little to no discomfort when the needles are inserted. Some may feel a slight pinch or a mild aching sensation, but it typically subsides quickly, and many patients feel deeply relaxed during the session. The needles used for acupuncture are extremely thin—about the width of a human hair—so they don't cause the same pain associated with the thicker, hollow needles used for injections. In fact, about 40 acupuncture needles could fit into the tip of a standard hypodermic needle.


How Should I Prepare For My Appointment?
For your appointment, wear or bring loose, comfortable clothing. While we do provide gowns if needed, most treatments are done with you in your own clothing.

Please eat a light meal or snack before your session—don’t come on an empty stomach! After your treatment, avoid strenuous activity and make sure to stay hydrated for the next couple of hours.


What Should I Do If I Need to Cancel My Appointment?
If you need to cancel or reschedule, just give us a call or change your appointment online.

Please note, cancellations made less than 24 hours before your appointment will be charged the full price.

Female receiving gua sha treatment to ne

Gua Sha

A technique that involves the use of a tool to scrape the skin which improves circulation and promotes healing.


Moxibustion Therapy

Also referred to as "Moxa".  A type of heat therapy that involves  burning an herb (Mugwort) to stimulate the acupuncture points.


Fire Cupping

Glass cups are heated up and applied to the skin, creating suction and stimulating new blood flow.

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